Old English Runes Project

Katholische Universität Eichstätt
Prof. Dr. Alfred Bammesberger
e-mail: alfred.bammesberger@ku-eichstaett.de
Dr. Gaby Waxenberger

Franks Casket, British Museum, London


is a project initiated by Prof. Dr. Edith Marold (Kiel University). She and her team have been preparing the inscriptions of the Older Fuþark; the Old English and Old Frisian inscriptions are part of the Eichstaett project.
For the user with individual interests the data bank ensures quick access to the material: it provides an overview over previous research work. Not only will the user of the data bank be able to combine the four masks (FIND; INTERPRETATION; INDIVIDUAL WORDS; BIBLIOGRAPHY) or parts of them individually but he will also have access to all the runic inscriptions in both older Fuþark and Fuþorc (Old English and Old Frisian) in two languages (German and English).

In comparison to the data bank the paper edition's corpus is smaller but its information is more detailed since we are not restricted to the limited capacity of data fields (256 characters). Therefore the paper edition is not confined to an overview but provides more space for our own research.
