ISSN 2197-6939 Journal for EuroLinguistiX
Vol. 11 (2014)
Special Issue: Interdisciplinary Eurolinguistics Proceedings from the 2nd Eurolinguistics Conference at the Europäisches Haus Pappenheim
— edited by Joachim Grzega and Bea Klüsener —
Vol. 11 (full text with all articles and editor preface)
Joachim / Klüsener, Bea: "Preface to Papers from the 2nd Eurolinguistics Conference at the Europäisches Haus Pappenheim"
François, Jacques:
"Language and Geometry: A Method for Comparing the Genealogical and Structural Relatedness between Pairs of European Languages"
Pöckl, Wolfgang: "Eurolinguistik und Translationswissenschaft"
Klüsener, Bea: "Racism in Literature for Young Europeans? A Discussion of Robinson Crusoe"
Grzega, Joachim: "Word-Choice and Economic Performance in European Countries:
Methodological Comments and Empirical Results"
Hanusch, Nora: "From Words to War: Eine Analyse des metaphorischen Sprachgebrauchs internationaler Printmedien vor Ausbruch des Irakkrieges 2003"
Kruse, Jan: "Sprachenpolitik – Eigenständigkeit und Kohärenz"
Steller, Erhard: "Sprechen wir europäisch? Die Empfehlung einer Sichtweise"
Grzega, Joachim / Sand, Claudia / Schweihofer, Sandra: "The Language Emergency Doctor
(Sprach-Not-Arzt) for Migrants: "An Innovative Teaching Method for Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) and Other Languages with Linguistically Heterogeneous Beginners"
Grzega, Joachim / Hanusch, Nora / Sand, Claudia: "Qualitative und quantitative Studien zur Sprachworkout-Methode (Language Workout)"
Note on the 3rd Eurolinguistics Conference at the Europäisches Haus Pappenheim