CALL FOR PAPERS "'Neo-Eurasianism,' the 'Conservative Revolution,' and the 'New Right' in Post-Soviet Russia" - a special issue of "Forum noveishchei vostochnoevropeiskoi istorii i kul'tury" (Forum - Russian issue). Deadline for non-Russian papers (yet to be translated): 31 December 2008. Deadline for Russian-language papers: 31 January 2009. Deadline for submission of edited final version: 30 March 2009. ZIMOS, the Eichstaett Institute for Central and East European Studies in Bavaria, invites research papers for a 2009 special issue of its interdisciplinary Russian-language web journal "Forum for Contemporary East European History and Culture" (vol. 6). The Russian "Forum" has been published twice per year, since 2004, as a scholarly WWW periodical supplementing ZIMOS's printed German-language "Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte." We are looking for properly footnoted, scholarly researched, well-structured, and thoroughly edited investigations into the biographies, ideas, influence and activities of contemporary Russian representatives of so-called "neo-Eurasianism," the "Conservative Revolution" and "New Right," e.g. Lev Gumilev, Aleksandr Panarin, Aleksandr Dugin, Mikhail Remizov, and others. Texts should have a length of approx. 3,000 to 10,000 words, and be based on primary as well as secondary sources, which are fully listed in the footnotes. We are interested in both, original papers that have not been published yet, as well as papers that might have been printed in Russian or other languages before, but are, so far, not available in Russian, on the WWW. In the case that a paper has been published in Russian language before, in a printed edition (journal, collected volume) only, authors will have to provide an explicit permission, by the editors of the periodical or book where the article originally appeared, for re-publication as a PDF file in our web journal. Papers accepted content-wise for publication will only be published in case of a proper adaptation of its linguistic quality and formal style (footnotes, headings, references, citations etc.) to the standards of the "Forum" by the author/s, by 30 March 2009. A model article showing the formal style required of the final editions of the papers to be prepared by the author/s may be found at the following site: Forum 2/2006 - Andreas Umland, Три разновидности постсоветского фашизма. All versions of the papers should be submitted as MS Word Documents. For authors who wish to publish an English-, German- or Ukrainian-language text on the special issue's topic in Russian language, we can provide qualified Russian translating services. However, the costs for this translation will have to borne fully by the author her- or himself. In addition, after the provision of a draft translation by our translator, authors will be required to carefully check the translated Russian draft version, before the translator produces the final version of the text for print. (Our translator is a native Russian speaker and philologist with considerable translating experience, yet not a social scientist who will have full understanding of the papers' arguments.) The translator will, after delivering a satisfactory final version of the translation, have to be paid, by the author/s, EUR0.07 per word of the English, German or Ukrainian original version of the article, i.e., for instance, EUR350 for a 5,000-word article. (This word count includes also non-Russian bibliographical literature listed in the footnotes that will note be translated into Russian or transcribed in Cyrillic, yet the formal style of which will be adapted to the format of the "Forum" by the translator.) The copyright of the Russian version of the article remains with the translator until the author has made payment for the translation. Authors of texts that have been published in English, German or Ukrainian before are advised to clarify with the editors of the periodical, web site, or book where the paper originally appeared whether re-publication in a Russian-language web journal is permissible. The editors of the "Forum" will not take responsibility for any violations of copyright. Please, submit your text until either 31 December 2008 (non-Russian papers), or 31 January 2009 (Russian papers), as an MS Word Document, to: (with cc to or as a hard copy to: Dr. Andreas Umland We look forward to your submission! Thank you. The "Forum's" Editors Leonid Luks, Alexei Rybakov, Andreas Umland |