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Part of Tabula Peutingeriana - Rome

Tabula Peutingeriana – Single display of hits

Toponym TP (renewed):


Name (modern):


To the image detail
Toponym before -     Teleda     
Toponym following VIIII     [Cyropolis] (Miller)     
Alternative Image ---
Image (Barrington) ---

Asia East of Sea of Azov

Toponym Type:

Toponym, no Symbol

Grid square:


Toponym Color:


Vignette Type :




Alternative Name (Lexica):


Name A (RE):


Name B (Barrington Atlas):


Name C (TIR/TIB/others):


Name D (Miller):


Name E (Levi):


Name F (Ravennate):


Name G (Ptolemy):






Dating from Toponym on TP:


Argument for Dating:


Commentary on the Toponym:

Der erste Buchstabe könnte als L rekonstruiert werden, so Welser und Scheyb und daran anknüpfend auch Miller (Itineraria 655); meines Erachtens auf Grund der Schriftreste möglich wären auch zwei fehlende Buchstaben - A und ein weiterer Buchstabe.

[Kommentar (BH):
Welser und Scheyb lesen "Lezela"]

Kommentar (Talbert):
I am very doubtful about Miller´s "L" before "ezela". Personal inspection of the parchment (March 2003) suggests two letters at the beginning of the name, both now irrecoverable.
-> stretch to (symbol, no name, no. 72)
The linework for this stretch is not marked.
The notion that the [..]ezela stretch goes to unnamed symbol #72 can be only conjecture, albeit a seemingly reasonable one. Given how closely the distance figure is placed to the name, there might conceivably have been a further stretch before the symbol, of which all trace has disappeared.

Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 655:
Etwas abseits steht: Lezela (so Dj. irrig Lezela (rel.).) ; j. Lenkoran oder weiter südlich am Kaspischen Meere.


Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 655;

RE: -

   [Standard-Literatur-Liste im PDF-Format]

Last Update:

20.10.2023 15:00

Cite this page: [last accessed on September 29, 2024]

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