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Part of Tabula Peutingeriana - Rome

Tabula Peutingeriana – Single display of hits

Toponym TP (renewed):


Name (modern):


To the image detail
Toponym before XVII     Roschirea     
Toponym following Arigubbi Ad fonte scoborem XVI     Fons Scabore     XVI?     Hadia     
Alternative Image ---
Image (Barrington) ---

Asia East of Euphrates, South of Taurus Mountains

Toponym Type:

Toponym with Symbol

Grid square:


Toponym Color:


Vignette Type :

A Twin Towers



Alternative Name (Lexica):


Name A (RE):


Name B (Barrington Atlas):


Name C (TIR/TIB/others):


Name D (Miller):


Name E (Levi):

Tigubis (A,I,2)

Name F (Ravennate):


Name G (Ptolemy):






Dating from Toponym on TP:


Argument for Dating:


Commentary on the Toponym:

Kommentar (Talbert):
-> Stretch to Fons scabore
Along the stretch appears: "Atigvbbi Adfonte scoborem XVI" [e of Adfonte with macron]. Note the lack of concern to spell either placename consistently; compare the upper two stretches from Hierapoli.
River crossing: (river, no. 126c)
-> Stretch to Hadia
It is only conjecture, but surely a reasonable one, that the distance figure XVI below the symbol refers to this stretch. Its placement reflects the difficulty of fitting in all the names and distances hereabouts while keeping lettering clear of rivers. The same difficulty affects the entire route from Tigvbis to Hatris. The result is often clumsy, but it is impressive that the mapmaker marks the number of places he does. The goal of keeping lettering clear of rivers is achieved, except in the case of the final letter of Themessata. Even though the overall result is not without flaws, copyists evidently exercised care in reproducing this part of the map.
River crossing: (river, no. 126d)

Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 778:
Tigubis oder rigubbi (ad fontem scoborem); Thegubris (Ra),
Thergubis (Kp?); j.esSihl, beim 8.Brunnen
von Harran ab.
Abzweigung nach fons Scabore (Strecke 113).

Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 780:
Tigubis, Strecke 112; j . es Sihl.

(SH): Fragezeichen bei der Meilenangabe von Tigubis nach Hadia, da Meilenangabe unter dem Toponym Tigubis steht.


Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 778. 780;

J. Sturm, Tigubis, in: RE VIA1, 1936, 1024.

   [Standard-Literatur-Liste im PDF-Format]

Last Update:

21.10.2023 11:43

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