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Part of Tabula Peutingeriana - Rome

Tabula Peutingeriana – Single display of hits

Toponym TP (renewed):

Flumen Rhamma

Name (modern):


To the image detail
Toponym before XL     Thelser     
Toponym following XXIIII     Nisistu     
Alternative Image ---
Image (Barrington)

Asia East of Euphrates, South of Taurus Mountains

Toponym Type:

Toponym, no Symbol

Grid square:


Toponym Color:


Vignette Type :




Alternative Name (Lexica):


Name A (RE):


Name B (Barrington Atlas):

Radani fl. (91 F3)

Name C (TIR/TIB/others):


Name D (Miller):


Name E (Levi):


Name F (Ravennate):


Name G (Ptolemy):






Dating from Toponym on TP:


Argument for Dating:


Commentary on the Toponym:

Kommentar (Talbert):
-> Stretch to Nisistv
The linework for this stretch is not marked.
From here on to Titana Fl., as well as to Thelser in the reverse direction, route linework drawn in red is lacking. However, from under Rhamma up to (but not under) the Fl. after Titana such linework with the appropriate chicanes can be discerned in faint, very thin pencil or the equivalent (seen best on the 1888 photograph). This is no doubt why Miller`s lithograph (639) shows dotted linework. He takes it the full distance back to Thelser; on personal inspection of the parchment (March 2003), I saw no sign of any such extension.

Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 743:
Fl. Rhamma, Rum (Ra) [wurde für identisch mit Zabratus minor, Capros F., gehalten, muß aber südlicher liegen]; j. Dakuk (Tauk); der Fluß Schusseh Su oder ein Nebenfluß desselben.


Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 743;

RE: -

   [Standard-Literatur-Liste im PDF-Format]

Last Update:

21.10.2023 15:02

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