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Part of Tabula Peutingeriana - Rome

Tabula Peutingeriana – Single display of hits

Toponym TP (renewed):


Name (modern):


To the image detail
Toponym before XII     Luddis     
Toponym following XVIIII     Cofna     
Alternative Image ---
Image (Barrington)


Toponym Type:

Toponym, no Symbol

Grid square:


Toponym Color:


Vignette Type :




Alternative Name (Lexica):


Name A (RE):


Name B (Barrington Atlas):

Emmaus/Nicopolis (70 F2)

Name C (TIR/TIB/others):


Name D (Miller):


Name E (Levi):


Name F (Ravennate):


Name G (Ptolemy):






Dating from Toponym on TP:


Argument for Dating:


Commentary on the Toponym:

Kommentar (Talbert):
-> Stretch to Cofna
The seemingly fainter route linework that leads down to the Cofna stretch is in all likelihood a copyist´s error. Rather, in my view, the mapmaker meant the route to continue to helyacapitolina; but the linework came to be omitted because of the awkwardness of bringing it through lettering. This missing vertical route down into helyacapitolina is unrelated to the route drawn from there to the right, and no link between them should ever have been created.

Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 835:
Amavante (rel.), Amauante (Bt, Bg, Ve), Ἀμμαοõς (Jos, Jud) = Emmaus – Εμμαοũς (I Macc B, 40, Jos, Pt); später verfallen und von den Römern unter dem Namen Nicopolis wiederhergestellt; lag an der Straße von Jerusalem nach Joppe, 22 M. von Jerusalem, 10 M. von Ludda, war unter den Römern Hauptstadt einer Toparchie (Pl); j. Amwas bei Latrun, wo Iss: CIL IIII 6646. 6647. 13 588. 14 155 11. 12.

Datierung (Barrington):
Emmaus/Nicopolis - Hellenistic/Roman/Late Antique (NEAEHL 2, 385-89; Fischer 1996, 151-59)


1-26 in P. Geyer (ed.), Itineraria et Alia Geographica (Corpus Christianorum Series Latina 175, Turnhout, 1965); see also Appendix 9. 600,2 Nicopoli;

Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 835;

   [Standard-Literatur-Liste im PDF-Format]

Last Update:

14.01.2023 18:07

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