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Part of Tabula Peutingeriana - Rome

Tabula Peutingeriana – Single display of hits

Toponym TP (renewed):


Name (modern):


To the image detail
Toponym before XI     Amurio     
Toponym following XXIIII     Tolosocorio     
Alternative Image ---
Image (Barrington)

Asia Minor

Toponym Type:

Toponym, no Symbol

Grid square:

8B4 / 8B5

Toponym Color:


Vignette Type :




Alternative Name (Lexica):


Name A (RE):

Phrygia, cols. 807-808

Name B (Barrington Atlas):

Abrostola (62 unlocated)

Name C (TIR/TIB/others):


Name D (Miller):

Polat Hissar

Name E (Levi):


Name F (Ravennate):


Name G (Ptolemy):






Dating from Toponym on TP:


Argument for Dating:


Commentary on the Toponym:

S. den Artikel Abrostola 2

Kommentar (Talbert):
Quite possibly, the Abrostola marked to the left of Amvrio (albeit with a distance figure of XXIII for the stretch instead of XXIIII) is the same place. If so, the confusion which the map reflects hereabouts (compare BAtlas 62) is only deepened.
-> Stretch to Tolosocorio
The start of this stretch is not marked.

Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 689:
Abrostola, it. (Pt, Ra), hier zweimal statt einfach; die Abzweigung nach Amurio und Laudicea (Strecke 99a) sollte von hier ausgehen, Amurio ist also eher auszuscheiden.
j. Polat Hissar.


Miller, Itineraria, Sp. 689; 691.

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Last Update:

12.12.2022 15:49

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